The Weeds of the Research- I love it- but it may be too much at times.

Professor John Hattie focuses on actionable research for teachers. I find his research both fascinating and unsurprising. He works to understand what will make a successful classroom. He investigates classroom management, class size, latest and greatest programs. He studies classrooms around the world to exhaustion. 

Professor Hattie’s most recent list (2018) includes 252 factors related to student achievement and their relative impact. #1 and #3 make a collective powerhouse for your students. For reference, the average effect size is 0.4.

As you look at the table below, know that Hattie and his researchers consider anything above 0.4 to be positive impact, worth focussing on.

*Check out how much worse boredom is even than a poor night’s sleep!

Factor Related to Student AchievementEffect Size
(252 influences to complete
total effect size of 100)
1Collective Teacher Efficacy1.57
2Self-Reported Grades1.33
3Teacher Estimates of Achievement1.29
4Cognitive Task Analysis1.29
5Response to Intervention1.29
6Piagetian Programs1.28
7Jigsaw Method1.20
8Conceptual Change Programs0.99
9Prior Ability0.94
10Strategy to Integrate with Prior Knowledge0.93
12Teacher Credibility0.90
13Micro-Teaching/Video Review of Lessons0.88
14Transfer Strategies0.86
15Classroom Discussion0.82
Top 15 Hattie Effective Factors for Teaching

According to Professor Hattie, anything below a 0.4 effect size is likely not worth tending to. And a negative effect size IS worth tending to, in its correction. Some factors of note lower on the list:

Factor Related to Student AchievementEffect Size
(252 influences to complete
total effect size of 100)
Practice Testing0.46
Matching Style of Learning0.31
Audio-Visual Methods0.22
Co or Team Teaching0.19
Programmed Instruction0.18
Lack of Sleep-0.05
Student Feeling Disliked-0.19

Another great visual Hattie’s Research- broken into area focuses

A beautiful simple visual: Visible Learning Barometer of Influences

To be fair, criticism of Hattie’s work

And, year after year, the data returns that you, yes, YOU, the effective teacher, are the greatest asset, the greatest determinate of student success.

The Back-Up from Chetty, Freidman, Rockoff

A “high-value” teacher at any age can increase the lifetime earning potential of their students by $250,000, according to a study done in 2012 by Raj ChettyJohn N. Friedman & Jonah E. Rockoff.


From RAND Corporation: Measuring Teacher Effectiveness

There are so many directions to go in the study of assuring your importance. That’s for later. Now- just take it in. 

You are it. You are where it all begins.