Who Doesn’t Love Pi?
Where does this conundrum of a number come from?
Let’s see if we can discover Pi for ourselves.
Circumference: Distance around an object- in this case a circle
Diameter: Distance from one side of circle to the other, crossing the center of the circle
We know that Pi or π stands for the number 3.14159… (Or, if we didn’t know, we do now!) But, what is this infinitely non-repeating number? What is this irrational number- and why is it so cool? Your measurements do not need to be exact to get the idea.
Item | Circumference | Diameter | Circumference Divided by Diameter |
What do you notice about your column to the right? Your answers should all be close to Pi, close to 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751…
How can you describe the meaning of Pi in your own words, drawings or combination?
Why does it make sense to eat pie on Pi Day?